Monday, 17 March 2014

Diff finally installed!

After a little wait for my diff to be refurbed, I finally got it back ready to install.

I am extremely pleased with the job Russell has done on it. It looks amazing and I have every confidence that it looks as good on the inside as it does on the outside. 


On Sunday we finally managed to get it installed on the chassis, and got the wishbones on as well. 

The installation was fairly straightforward, but definitely need two people: one to control the jack and the other to guide the diff into place. 

The wishbones were also fairly easy, bit the near side one was a bit tight, so took a bit of work with the file to get the pin to go through easily. 


We were running out of time, so decided not to start putting the rear hub carriers together, but instead got the drive shafts and new UJ's together. It took a lot of elbow greas to get the powder coat out of the shortened drive shafts, but finally got there.

More pictures and updates to follow soon as I hope to pick up the pace of the build a bit. My rough plan is to get the car ready to use at my wedding, which at the moment is pencilled in for August 2015. It seems a long way off at the moment, but there is a lot to get done before then!

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